Day of judo — 10 years from the moment of creation (2008-2018)
To celebrate professional holidays good tradition which is practically at all kinds of activity and here at last to this remarkable tradition the professional holiday of judoka «The day of judo» joins. This holiday is marked last Sunday October. For the first time this holiday has been noted in October, 2008. The idea to create a holiday for the world community of all adept of a judo belongs to the Roman Karasev, the founder of World association of judo. Certain color is at each professional holiday. Therefore and «Day of judo» should have the color whenever possible unlike others. Who that can organize competition who that demonstration performances and who that will collect friends and in friendly conditions will spend this day in what cafe or in the bosom of the family will celebrate the professional holiday. We offer all in each region, a city, the country, independently to celebrate this day, and then to send the reporting in written, a photo and video a format. Each of the sent materials will be published on site pages